
Faust live at Klangbad DVD and So Far 7" re-relase

The two films from Playloud!, one about the Klangbadfestival 2005, and the other about Faust performance of the same festival, is now available on one DVD. The two films are: Klangbad: Avant-garde in the Meadows, Faust: Live at Klangbad Festival. In conjunction with the two films Playloud! also does the first re-release of the one & only Faust 7" vinyl single. Restored and remastered by Hans Joachim Irmler. Both tracks are non-LP tracks and they differ slightly from the original single versions.


Phantom Circuit Radio interview

The 38th edition of internet radio show Phantom Circuit features an interview with Jean-Hervé Peron, Zappi Diermaier, Geraldine Swayne and James Johnston of Faust and by their kind permission some tracks from their set in Birmingham, recorded on 10th May. The show is available for on-demand streaming from: Mixcloud


Klangbad festival timetable

Friday, 06.08.

Main Stage

17:30 Transmitter
20:00 Heaven And
22:30 Mekons
23:45 These New Puritans

Tent Stage

16:00 Fodderstompf feat. DJ Marcelle & Holger Mertin
18:45 Pendler
21:15 Cluster

Canteen I

01:00 DJ Fett

Canteen II

01:00 Skug Soundsystem

Saturday, 07.08.

Main Stage

13:15 QA´A
15:45 Trost
18:15 Metalycee
19:30 Liebezeit,Lippok,Irmler,Bell
23:30 Jimi Tenor + Kabu Kabu

Tent Stage

12:45 Allroh
14:30 Violet Violet
17:00 Golden Disko Ship
20:40 Villalog

Canteen I

01:00 DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess

Canteen II

01:00 Phillip Sollmann (Efdemin)


01:00 Incite

Sunday, 08.08.

Main Stage

13:15 Aranis
17:15 Nufa
18:45 Gustav
20:15 A Hawk and A Hacksaw

Tent Stage

11:00 Max Dax / Martin Hossbach DJ-Set
14:30 Aquaserge
15:45 Fifty - Fifty

3-day and single day tickets also available from the website


Lydia Lunch's Big Sexy Noise @ Avantgardefestival Schiporst

Avantgardefestival Schiporst is closing in on us, and James Johnston will appear in various settings, not only Faust. The great Lydia Lunch will perfrom with her Big Sexy Noise project and James has been a regular in the line-up for some time. The programme is official, it looks like this:

Friday july 2 18:00 > 03:00
18:00 Press Conference
19:00 Blaakraft
20:00 Reportaz
21:00 Bloodstereo
22:00 LYDIA LUNCH's Big Sexy Noise
24:00 Quattrophage
01:00 Richard Lainhart
02:00 DJ Tango Mango

Saturday july 3 12:00 > 03:00
12:00 Tom Zunk
12:45 Datashock
13:45 Underdog
15:00 Chaos Physique
16:15 Gugu Flux
17:00 FAUST & Friends
18:15 Ferdinand FÖRSCH
19:00 Somnambule
20:00 Philippe Petit & Penates
23:00 Knight & Thrower
24:00 Jetzman
01:00 Anton Tornister
02:00 DJ Tango Mango

Sunday july 4th 12:00 > 22:00
12:00 Ookoi-A-Table !
13:00 Lisa Dillan
14:00 Sascha Aurora Akhtar
16:00 Kommissar Hjuler & C. Graham
18:00 P.A.S. & Vultures
19:00 Qarad Quintette
20:00 Thorsten Soltau
21:00 Toys-R-Noise

The folowing artists will be performing at the Annexe / Workfloor according to their own plans :
Geoff Leigh ( UK) - Stadtfisch Filme ( D) – The Grand Erector (UK) – Patricia Molins (F) - Balog (D) – Matthieu Safatly (B) – Maya Danon (ISR) – Mareike Groschel (G) – Geraldine Swayne (IRL) – Karen Constance (UK) –Hardtart ( D) –

More details at the festival website


Faust at F.O.N. Festival

Here's a video of Faust at the Full of Noise festival:

If you follow this link, you can see the rest of the show added (it's 12 parts).