
Was ist das?

Krautrock site Was ist das? features a review of the Manchester gig. The site has also a podcast radioshow, and the last show includes a track from the Faust is Last album.

UK tour video, review

The UK tour is over and done with. Here is a video from the Birmingham show:

Reviews from Scotoland here and here

An interview with Jean-Hervé Peron before the Glasgow gig can be found here


UK tour coming up

A quick reminder about the UK tour that will start tomorrow, so make sure you pay attention to the dates:

10 May - UK, Birmingham - The Rainbow Warehouse
11 May - UK, Glasgow - The Arches
12 May - UK, Manchester - The Ruby Lounge
13 May - UK, Wrexham - Central Station
14 May - UK, Minehaead - ATP Festival
16 May - UK, London - Corsica Studios


Ravvivando LP plus Faust is Last LP

This is too good an offer to pass: Ravvivando LP plus Faust is Last LP in one package from Klangbad. Four vinyls, two releases, less money. Ravvivando is by some described as the one you could compare the brand new latest release from Faust, so maybe they belong together somehow. Get it here


Gallon Drunk live dates

I know it's been out for a while, but it's not late for planning ahead. James Johnston's Gallon Drunk will appear (so far) at these dates and places in 2010:

4th of November @ Club Control, Bucharest, RO.
3rd of July @ AvantGarde Festival Schiphorst, Germany
17th of August @ the Lexington, London, UK

Btw, James Johnston, Ian White and Terry Edwards currently touring and recording with Lydia Lunch as Big Sexy Noise.


Faust will not bow out

With the new release Faust is Last, there has been speculations around the web that this is in fact the last release ever to come out of Faust. In an article about Faust is Last, FACT Magazine uses the headline "Faust bow out after 40 years with Faust Is Last", and in text "According to the band, it will be their final release". In addition, the blog of Play Loud production, who also has released a live Faust dvd, uses the phrase "Faust announce a last record", which is also quoted on the Klangbad info site of Faust is Last.

No wonder Fact Magazine and others are confused, but others as Freq has noticed that in fact Faust has been separated in two bands for some years, one with founder members Jean-Hervé Peron and Zappi Diermaier as the key members, and one with Joachim Irmler as the key member. Freq writes in their review of the said album: "Irmler (...) has announced that this manifestation of Faust will cease to exist in the near future, and that the two disks of Faust Is Last represent their last will and testament". As of yet, an announcement from Peron & Diermaier of bowing down has not been seen, in fact they are stil touring (UK tour starting 10th of May) and studio work is also on the way.

Faust w/Irmler - Faust is Last pr shot

Faust w/ Zappi & Peron 2008